An evening devoted to the exhibition Haredim:
יום שלישי, ד' בתשרי 22/09/2009
בשעה 19:30
הכניסה ללא תשלום, על בסיס מקום פנוי
An evening devoted to the exhibition of photographs by Menahem Kahana
The exhibition “Haredim” reveals for the first time surprising, emotional moments in the lives of Haredim in Israel
The evening program, held in honor of the exhibition at BEIT AVI CHAI, will feature photographer Menahem Kahana and curator Alex Levac discussing the project: the selection of topics, practices in haredi society, and the photographer’s unique point of view.
The lecture will include a presentation of pictures
The event will be held in English
Admission free but subject to available space
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